How chakras affect our lives

Chakras are the energy portals between our bodies and the outside world.

The terms « chakra » originates from India, and it means « wheel », and that’s how chakras are perceived in ancient philosophies.

The chakra is perceived as a « wheel », constantly closing and opening to regulate the life force in the body, to let out and in life energy.

If a chakra is balanced it is functioning perfectly; it is circulating energy in and out of the body, and distributing life energy to the organs of the body it is responsible for — each chakra acts as a distribution center to a part of the body.

If the chakra is imbalanced, it is overactive which means it is circulating more energy than the body actually needs. If the chakra is underactive, it is circulating less life energy than the body needs. In both instances the body is either hungry for more life energy or struggling to use or release excess energy.

For the logical mind it is completely ridiculous to believe in energy existence because it cannot be perceived by our senses – or at least that is what the logical mind may perceive.

The logical mind is limited — I mean it cannot perceive everything around us: every thought, every motion, every movement, every detail… the mind can only perceive what is already stored within it.

However, our intuition is much stronger, much larger, much more able to grasp every subtle detail… and so can our bodies!

Our bodies will sense the energy around us and might grasp some of it.

Have you ever experienced a rush of wellbeing when you are in nature?

Have you ever felt really frustrated and then you saw a happy dog jumping joyfully and for a moment your forgot about your frustration, just enjoying the present moment?

Have you ever felt good with one person, and then uncomfortable with another, without being able to explain why?

That’s energy that your body sensed and translated while your mind was occupied digesting the thoughts: perhaps pondering on the past, problems at work, or issues at home…  If the mind is over-occupied with analyzing situations and finding solutions to real (and unreal) problems, it will be quite difficult to « sense » the energy around. 

It is in fact not a problem in your body sensing energy, it is more a challenge for your mind to let this sensation in and translate it into information. The logical mind simply tends to ignore it especially if there is no « logic » attached to it.

So, after watching the happy dog for a few minutes, or when you are back home, or when you are back to your normal daily life again, the mind will go back to its normal pattern: thinking about problems, and digesting the past, or worrying about the future.

How all is this related to the chakras?

Simply put, chakras are energy centers in the body, if there is a block in a chakra, the body will experience it as “bad thoughts”, “stuck emotions”, “tensions in the muscles”, and other symptoms that basically indicates a disturbance in the energy field.

Energy is powerful, it is more powerful than the mind. Anything where the mind is stuck means there is an energy block that needs to be released.

You can verify this by experiencing even brief shifts of energy. If you reflect in how your day went, or the past week or month went, and look for those days when you felt different, you’ll realize it was because of a shift in energy: you met someone new (new energy), you experience a new place (new energy), you tried a new type of food you haven’t tried before (new energy), you have different thoughts (new energy).

The state of your chakras indicates your dominant state of energy. If your chakras are balanced, you would feel relaxed, in control and you would feel capable of handling demanding situations and difficult emotions.

On the other hand, if your chakras, or even one chakra is imbalanced (either overactive or underactive), you’ll feel challenged in the area of your life that the chakra controls. For example, if the heart chakra is imbalanced, you would feel disconnected from others, not feeling loved, and seeking validation and love from others. On a physical level this can be experienced as breathing difficulties.

The chakras control the energy of the body — you can experience brief shifts of your energy on occasions, but any life change — positive or negative — requires a sustainable change in energy and this is done through working with chakras.

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